jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007

Pupils guiding a Rusiñol's Exhibition

Our 6th level pupils were guides of the Rusiñol's Exhibition. It was great how they tried to get the smallers been interested in their creations.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007

Mª Carmen Muñoz(Tinc una pregunta per a vostè Sr Montilla)

MªCarmen Muñoz, a Ceip La Roureda's mother had the opportunity to ask to the Generalitat's President, in a TV programm about the differences between the Finnish Educational System and the Catalan one.
Our Comenius is giving chance to talk about Catalan Educational System and how to improve it.

La Mª Carmen Muñoz,una mare de l'Ampa del Ceip La Roureda de Sabadell pregunta al President de la Generalitat, Sr. Montilla.
El nostre projecte Comenius BECA ens ha posat en contacte amb la realitat educativa finesa i amb els resultats de l'Informe Pisa.